Monday, December 30, 2019

Organizational Structure Of A Regional Medical Center (...

According to Tiller (2012), â€Å"a carefully designed organizational structure is a logical prerequisite for success† (p. 20). This holds true in health care today; the structure of an organization determines how efficient the facility will run, as well as setting the tone for the culture within the company. The organizational structure â€Å"describes the arrangement of the work group† making it the division of the work that needs to be done across the continuum of the organization (Sullivan, 2013, p. 12). The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at the organizational structure that Grinnell Regional Medical Center (GRMC) uses. Assess how the structure supports client-centered care; the communication methods that are used;†¦show more content†¦Patient-Centered Care The leadership structures utilized helps to create an environment that supports patient-centered care by its integration of the service-line structure by grouping similar services and departments. For example, all acute care services and the majority of the nursing services all report to the Vice President of Operations to ensure that there is coordination across the entire organization. The director of the intensive care unit is also the director responsible for the emergency department, and the cardiopulmonary unit. These particular departments care for many of the same patients throughout their hospital stay. As patients move from the emergency room to the intensive care unit they usually receive services from the respiratory therapists who are a part of the cardiopulmonary department; they will receive continuity of care based on their needs by staff that are similarly trained and who are held to the same service goals. It is not a surprise that GRMC has high patient satisfaction scores, because organizations that run under the service-line structures tend to have higher patient satisfaction and safety scores (Sullivan, 2013). Information Systems, Communication, and Decision-Making Ability GRMC utilizes multiple information systems throughout the organization to communicate with patients, hospital departments, and administration. On the clinical

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Impact Of Technology On The Business Setting Essay

QUESTION 1: In the white paper several things are discussed from consumer technology in the business setting to bringing your own device to work. With allowing consumers to bring their own devices to work it must be determined what platforms (Android Vs. Apple) to support and how many of the models to support (i.e. Samsung Galaxy’s, Motorola Droids, etc.) With the mobile devices exploding in today’s society the workforce is now flooded with new application concepts on a daily basis. These are created not only for the employees themselves but current and future partners as well. These mobile-based applications help reel in work from the employees and entice partners. Cloud computing helps with this venture as well, and the accessibility of the cloud makes things more price friendly and time efficient. Cloud computing cuts down so much cost due to its ability to get up and running with close to no cash needed. Cloud has helped development in the work force improve overtim e and has given businesses the ability to scale projects over time. With the growth of the mobile enterprises companies are trying to figure out how to do business with the increasing complexity. Embracing the complexity however helps the businesses communicate with consumers, employees, partners, and other companies. Embracing this is more of a benefit then a negative. Embracing this age requires the company to determine how the platform will be built, used, and delivered. SAP has done so with their MobileShow MoreRelatedWeb 3.0 Overview1432 Words   |  6 Pages Business information systems Web 3.0 Overview The advent of technology influences the business community and the same is true about the new internet platform, the Web 3.0. Within the specific business context, the more notable application is revealed by the enhanced ability of the economic agents to better identify and target specific customer segments. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Change in My Life Free Essays

It is not easy to adapt oneself to new circumstances especially moving to a country that you have never come always brings you difficulties such as: people, language, custom and culture†¦ The first time I came to the US, I looked like a fish out of water. Everyone looked so different from people my country. I could not understand when they talked to me†¦ But I was very lucky. We will write a custom essay sample on Change in My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now I met good friends and teachers at school. They helped me a lot not only studying at school but also getting used to my new life and American culture.I used to think that there is a little group of Vietnamese here. But after coming, it is not like that. I can see Vietnamese everywhere in Portland. At school, there are probably over 20 Vietnamese students. Every Sunday, I go to Church with my family, the number of Vietnamese there may add up to thousands of people. Three months ago, I took the Oregon Instruction Permit Test at DMV. Once more, I was very surprised when they told me that I could take the test in Vietnamese. I realized there is a large Vietnamese community in Portland that I had not known about before.When I first went to school, I saw lots of Vietnamese students there. Because my English was not good, the counselor introduced me to 3 Vietnamese guys who were good to me. They were very nice to introduce everything at school to me such as: show me how to use my locker, how to pick up lunch†¦ They also suggested me how to study and what classes I need to take or not. As a result, I used to want to make friends with all Vietnamese students in my school because I thought they could help me, and it was hard to make friends with other students while I was not good at English. I almost used Vietnamese at school and joined their group. But after that, I realized that most of them are not as good as I thought. They usually use bad language, especially when they do not agree with the teachers. Because they spoke in Vietnamese, the teachers did not understand anything. I did not see the good in them. They always ask to borrow my homework and copy my answers when we had tests. When I came here, my goal was to study English well and get used to my new life. That was why I decided to leave their group and stay away from them.That seemed to be a good decision. I tried to study more. I was brave to talk to my classmates and my teachers. They cared about me and helped me correct my bad pronunciation a lot. Now, I have 2 buddies, one came from China, the other came from the Philippines. They are really good friends. My English has been improving considerably. I have more friends at school and do very well in every class. Then I got rid of the idea about making friends with Vietnamese. I remember I have 3 nice Vietnamese friends, and they are studying at university now.That does not mean I hate Vietnamese. There is a lesson to be learned from that matter: choose good company to make friend. Personally, I prefer non-Vietnamese to Vietnamese students because they can help me improve my English. I used to think that I must pay a lot of money for going to school if I study in USA. But in fact, I don’t have to pay anything. Because my parents have low-income, I even have a free bus pass and free lunch at school. In the future, if I go to university, I will have financial aid to support my tuition. It is very different from my country.In Vietnam, I have to pay a lot if I want to go to school regardless if it is primary school, high school, or university. Lots of children cannot go to school because their parents cannot afford to pay for school. Despite the government had policies to help poor students, those are not enough for everyone. These days, our life in Vietnam is better than in the past but there still have a lot of children who cannot go to school. I truly hope that the Vietnamese government can give the children the best conditions for them to study as the American government does.Last week, when I chatted with my friends on the internet, they told that I have changed so much. I used to wear shirt and pants in Vietnam. But after coming here, I realized that it is not suitable. Now I always wear a T-shirt and jeans. That made me more confident because I looked like other guys. Last weekend, my family went shopping for the winter. For me, it was really great because we have not gone shopping together for a long time. When we were in Vietnam, my parents had to work very hard from morning to night. They always want to give my brother and me the best conditions to study.They do not want us to think about making money. My family is very important to me. I always promise myself that I have to study hard and become successful. It will requite my parents’ services, and certainly that will be the biggest present which I can give them. In conclusion, there were many changes from the day I came here. Living 6 months in America was not a long time, but I studied many things here. Besides, my family is always next to me, and supports me whenever I need help. What I can do now is to continue to try more and do as well as I can. I will try to make my dream come true. n How to cite Change in My Life, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dear God free essay sample

I do not know but I wont waste mine. Why should I have to pray to you before a meal and thank you for my food? I shouldnt, wont, and ever will. It was not you who made the food in front of me. It was not you who let me have it or prized me with it. I will thank the people who made it, the water, and the soil before I would consider thanking you for anything. You are not here I do not believe you ever were. You are a myth. A story book. A lie that people hundreds of years ago made to make people better. For them to have faith, hope, support, a side-kick in this life.To help them and scare them of being bad or rebellious. To brainwash them to thank that every time they survive or get out of something they never thought theyd be able to do, they credit you when really they were strong enough all along by themselves though they cant realize that because it was allllll you- right. We will write a custom essay sample on Dear God or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But take a look at me. I have faith, hope, support, help, friends, family, strength, and possibility of anything and that is without you. I have things to look forward to, but it isnt walking through the gates of holiness into your magic hands.I do not need you or anything of your ora to tell me what is important, what I should and shouldnt do, can or cant do- The Rules. I dont need to follow your silly book of instructions and tips. Im doing just fine, thanks. You are nothing but fake and a lie to me. I dont know what comes after death but I believe it is neither Heaven nor Hell. And if it so happens that it is you or even the Devil, I will be proud of myself for sticking true to myself and not wasting my life upon something I believed was a lie which would soon be over.Life isnt a long one so Im going to do it my ways. I will not be ashamed. I think you are hogwash. You make people feel like dirt. You make them scared to death and create images, stories, and untrue mindsets for them. Or even worse, you twist some peoples minds up to think they are so perfect that they are the walking you on our Earth- idiots. This isnt a game, were not playing guns and soilders down here, Gods good and Gods bad. For heaven sake, put me on the naughty list, lets see what happens.Throw me into the Devils lair in the flames with my box of coal, how thoughtful. Is this really what our worlds oh so sweet God would do? Without a doubt! He loves and accepts everyone on Earth because we are all his creations but whoa, hold on a sec! I almost forgot to exclude the homosexuals and transexuals and hell, all the bad eggs for cryin outloud! Ill take my invitation to heart, thanks. Haha, well silly me for almost forgetting Gods shunned ones back there. Yeah.. . Total BS. I dont need to waste my time, breath, or effort on you any longer.