Monday, December 30, 2019

Organizational Structure Of A Regional Medical Center (...

According to Tiller (2012), â€Å"a carefully designed organizational structure is a logical prerequisite for success† (p. 20). This holds true in health care today; the structure of an organization determines how efficient the facility will run, as well as setting the tone for the culture within the company. The organizational structure â€Å"describes the arrangement of the work group† making it the division of the work that needs to be done across the continuum of the organization (Sullivan, 2013, p. 12). The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at the organizational structure that Grinnell Regional Medical Center (GRMC) uses. Assess how the structure supports client-centered care; the communication methods that are used;†¦show more content†¦Patient-Centered Care The leadership structures utilized helps to create an environment that supports patient-centered care by its integration of the service-line structure by grouping similar services and departments. For example, all acute care services and the majority of the nursing services all report to the Vice President of Operations to ensure that there is coordination across the entire organization. The director of the intensive care unit is also the director responsible for the emergency department, and the cardiopulmonary unit. These particular departments care for many of the same patients throughout their hospital stay. As patients move from the emergency room to the intensive care unit they usually receive services from the respiratory therapists who are a part of the cardiopulmonary department; they will receive continuity of care based on their needs by staff that are similarly trained and who are held to the same service goals. It is not a surprise that GRMC has high patient satisfaction scores, because organizations that run under the service-line structures tend to have higher patient satisfaction and safety scores (Sullivan, 2013). Information Systems, Communication, and Decision-Making Ability GRMC utilizes multiple information systems throughout the organization to communicate with patients, hospital departments, and administration. On the clinical

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Impact Of Technology On The Business Setting Essay

QUESTION 1: In the white paper several things are discussed from consumer technology in the business setting to bringing your own device to work. With allowing consumers to bring their own devices to work it must be determined what platforms (Android Vs. Apple) to support and how many of the models to support (i.e. Samsung Galaxy’s, Motorola Droids, etc.) With the mobile devices exploding in today’s society the workforce is now flooded with new application concepts on a daily basis. These are created not only for the employees themselves but current and future partners as well. These mobile-based applications help reel in work from the employees and entice partners. Cloud computing helps with this venture as well, and the accessibility of the cloud makes things more price friendly and time efficient. Cloud computing cuts down so much cost due to its ability to get up and running with close to no cash needed. Cloud has helped development in the work force improve overtim e and has given businesses the ability to scale projects over time. With the growth of the mobile enterprises companies are trying to figure out how to do business with the increasing complexity. Embracing the complexity however helps the businesses communicate with consumers, employees, partners, and other companies. Embracing this is more of a benefit then a negative. Embracing this age requires the company to determine how the platform will be built, used, and delivered. SAP has done so with their MobileShow MoreRelatedWeb 3.0 Overview1432 Words   |  6 Pages Business information systems Web 3.0 Overview The advent of technology influences the business community and the same is true about the new internet platform, the Web 3.0. Within the specific business context, the more notable application is revealed by the enhanced ability of the economic agents to better identify and target specific customer segments. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Change in My Life Free Essays

It is not easy to adapt oneself to new circumstances especially moving to a country that you have never come always brings you difficulties such as: people, language, custom and culture†¦ The first time I came to the US, I looked like a fish out of water. Everyone looked so different from people my country. I could not understand when they talked to me†¦ But I was very lucky. We will write a custom essay sample on Change in My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now I met good friends and teachers at school. They helped me a lot not only studying at school but also getting used to my new life and American culture.I used to think that there is a little group of Vietnamese here. But after coming, it is not like that. I can see Vietnamese everywhere in Portland. At school, there are probably over 20 Vietnamese students. Every Sunday, I go to Church with my family, the number of Vietnamese there may add up to thousands of people. Three months ago, I took the Oregon Instruction Permit Test at DMV. Once more, I was very surprised when they told me that I could take the test in Vietnamese. I realized there is a large Vietnamese community in Portland that I had not known about before.When I first went to school, I saw lots of Vietnamese students there. Because my English was not good, the counselor introduced me to 3 Vietnamese guys who were good to me. They were very nice to introduce everything at school to me such as: show me how to use my locker, how to pick up lunch†¦ They also suggested me how to study and what classes I need to take or not. As a result, I used to want to make friends with all Vietnamese students in my school because I thought they could help me, and it was hard to make friends with other students while I was not good at English. I almost used Vietnamese at school and joined their group. But after that, I realized that most of them are not as good as I thought. They usually use bad language, especially when they do not agree with the teachers. Because they spoke in Vietnamese, the teachers did not understand anything. I did not see the good in them. They always ask to borrow my homework and copy my answers when we had tests. When I came here, my goal was to study English well and get used to my new life. That was why I decided to leave their group and stay away from them.That seemed to be a good decision. I tried to study more. I was brave to talk to my classmates and my teachers. They cared about me and helped me correct my bad pronunciation a lot. Now, I have 2 buddies, one came from China, the other came from the Philippines. They are really good friends. My English has been improving considerably. I have more friends at school and do very well in every class. Then I got rid of the idea about making friends with Vietnamese. I remember I have 3 nice Vietnamese friends, and they are studying at university now.That does not mean I hate Vietnamese. There is a lesson to be learned from that matter: choose good company to make friend. Personally, I prefer non-Vietnamese to Vietnamese students because they can help me improve my English. I used to think that I must pay a lot of money for going to school if I study in USA. But in fact, I don’t have to pay anything. Because my parents have low-income, I even have a free bus pass and free lunch at school. In the future, if I go to university, I will have financial aid to support my tuition. It is very different from my country.In Vietnam, I have to pay a lot if I want to go to school regardless if it is primary school, high school, or university. Lots of children cannot go to school because their parents cannot afford to pay for school. Despite the government had policies to help poor students, those are not enough for everyone. These days, our life in Vietnam is better than in the past but there still have a lot of children who cannot go to school. I truly hope that the Vietnamese government can give the children the best conditions for them to study as the American government does.Last week, when I chatted with my friends on the internet, they told that I have changed so much. I used to wear shirt and pants in Vietnam. But after coming here, I realized that it is not suitable. Now I always wear a T-shirt and jeans. That made me more confident because I looked like other guys. Last weekend, my family went shopping for the winter. For me, it was really great because we have not gone shopping together for a long time. When we were in Vietnam, my parents had to work very hard from morning to night. They always want to give my brother and me the best conditions to study.They do not want us to think about making money. My family is very important to me. I always promise myself that I have to study hard and become successful. It will requite my parents’ services, and certainly that will be the biggest present which I can give them. In conclusion, there were many changes from the day I came here. Living 6 months in America was not a long time, but I studied many things here. Besides, my family is always next to me, and supports me whenever I need help. What I can do now is to continue to try more and do as well as I can. I will try to make my dream come true. n How to cite Change in My Life, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dear God free essay sample

I do not know but I wont waste mine. Why should I have to pray to you before a meal and thank you for my food? I shouldnt, wont, and ever will. It was not you who made the food in front of me. It was not you who let me have it or prized me with it. I will thank the people who made it, the water, and the soil before I would consider thanking you for anything. You are not here I do not believe you ever were. You are a myth. A story book. A lie that people hundreds of years ago made to make people better. For them to have faith, hope, support, a side-kick in this life.To help them and scare them of being bad or rebellious. To brainwash them to thank that every time they survive or get out of something they never thought theyd be able to do, they credit you when really they were strong enough all along by themselves though they cant realize that because it was allllll you- right. We will write a custom essay sample on Dear God or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But take a look at me. I have faith, hope, support, help, friends, family, strength, and possibility of anything and that is without you. I have things to look forward to, but it isnt walking through the gates of holiness into your magic hands.I do not need you or anything of your ora to tell me what is important, what I should and shouldnt do, can or cant do- The Rules. I dont need to follow your silly book of instructions and tips. Im doing just fine, thanks. You are nothing but fake and a lie to me. I dont know what comes after death but I believe it is neither Heaven nor Hell. And if it so happens that it is you or even the Devil, I will be proud of myself for sticking true to myself and not wasting my life upon something I believed was a lie which would soon be over.Life isnt a long one so Im going to do it my ways. I will not be ashamed. I think you are hogwash. You make people feel like dirt. You make them scared to death and create images, stories, and untrue mindsets for them. Or even worse, you twist some peoples minds up to think they are so perfect that they are the walking you on our Earth- idiots. This isnt a game, were not playing guns and soilders down here, Gods good and Gods bad. For heaven sake, put me on the naughty list, lets see what happens.Throw me into the Devils lair in the flames with my box of coal, how thoughtful. Is this really what our worlds oh so sweet God would do? Without a doubt! He loves and accepts everyone on Earth because we are all his creations but whoa, hold on a sec! I almost forgot to exclude the homosexuals and transexuals and hell, all the bad eggs for cryin outloud! Ill take my invitation to heart, thanks. Haha, well silly me for almost forgetting Gods shunned ones back there. Yeah.. . Total BS. I dont need to waste my time, breath, or effort on you any longer.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled Essays

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. "What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Drops

Monday, November 25, 2019

Effective Tips For Writing Law Essays

Effective Tips For Writing Law Essays Law Essay: Pointers for a Captivating Essay Even as a law student, you are bound to write an essay at some point in your coursework. You will come to realize that the complexity of writing this type of essay keeps changing as the topics are modified and updated regularly. To ensure your essay is first-class, you should be updated with the latest content on the law as it comes by, and have been of good quality in research. This will give you an advantage of crafting a top-class essay that your reader can relate with. Below are the ways you can apply to ensure you come up with a law essay that is competent and lucid: Picking the Topic to Discuss To many students, this seems to be an easy thing to do. However, t you should know that it is a crucial part of the law essay you intend to write. Below are dependable themes that you should know in order to pick a good topic: Read the assignment more than once Many students take this as a light issue. You would be surprised by a large number of students who drop their grades in law essay writing because of avoiding reading and understanding the given promptly. If the topic provided has an assigned topic, then the logic is centrally based. The student will research ideas that are only related to the topic and determine how to approach it, either by broadening the topic or narrowing it down to a specific point of view. The construction of your essay will majorly depend on the topic; the length of paper signed (this will determine the fitting of your essay outline), and the academic level you are addressing. However, if the topic is not provided, you are required to either choose for yourself the subject you feel interested in or alternatively consult your professor.   Topics you personally choose will have the potential to award you better grades; simply because of the motivation behind the writing will be more informative and inspiring. Go Through the Class Notes The class notes will provide some in-depth information that you require in your research. It is advisable to choose a topic that was discussed briefly in class, which will help you craft a profound law essay piece. This will guarantee you excellent future grades in your work. Always Brainstorm Your Topic After reading through your class work, find more inspiration in articles, and any other material you have collected while you initially conducted research on the topic. At this stage, you should highly consider the length of the paper you have been awarded and the arrangement of each piece of information to form a draft outline structure. There are many ways of brainstorming your work. You can either contemplate quietly or mind maps. Choose the one that you can easily work with. This will help you in creating a list of questions that should be answered, and the arguments to be addressed. You will be ready to write a good essay when you realize that your arguments and ideas relate to the questions and to be answered, and the topic that is being addressed. Be Fluent Addressing Your Interests Writing on the subject matter you have an interest in, or passionate about is the easiest way to come up with a high-quality paper. Reflecting on your passion in law, while crafting your essay is the best way to get inspiration and motivation. Conduct An In-Depth Research By now, you should know that initial research is not enough to come up with sufficient content for your essay topic. There are many ways of crafting an A+ paper and understanding the types of sources required for your paper is a vital part. As you do your research, you will come across different sources, but this does not mean they all relate to your research. Below are some essential tips to help you pick sources that relate to your work, and still comply with the standards for academic writing: Brainstorm on the types of sources you need All sources of information are categorized into primary, secondary and tertiary sources.   Primary sources are basically interviews; questionnaires and any other form of getting first-hand information. Secondary sources entail the full analysis of the information gathered from primary sources. Tertiary sources collectively analyze information gathered from both primary and secondary sources. When it is time to conduct your extensive research, remember to through your assignment again. You might, however, realize that the professor has assigned the type of sources you are to use with your work. Others include the number of resources you are to analyze. It this case, do not deviate and analyze sources that have not been given. When the prompt given lacks information, you can write the basic law essay which is founded on your secondary and tertiary research work. Primary research is mostly associated with multifaceted assignments like thesis and dissertations. Remember to Always Start with Your Tertiary Sources This tip is efficient in helping you avoid time wastage while conducting research on your topic. Since they contain the main points and arguments of both primary and secondary sources, they will give you reliable information that will help you write a top-class law essay. This will give you a chance to quickly go through your written work concerning the subject of discussion, and pick related books, articles or any other source of information relating to your subject of discussion. Tertiary sources are mostly academic guidebooks such as the standard textbooks and encyclopedias. As you use them in your research make sure you read through the footnotes and bibliographies which make a list of reference sources you can use for research. Talk with the Librarian Even though it is easy to get information online, do not underestimate the knowledge and information you can find in your local, or university library. You will be surprised at the amount of information regarding a particularly important subject matter that cannot be found in the World Wide Web. Take advantage of this and visit a library near you. This will also give you a chance to talk to the librarian who will help you locate suitable sources for the information you require. The librarians knowledge might extend to your topic for discussion, and engaging one will help you a lot in the writing of your law essay. Only Use Specialized Search Engines The Google search engine has an incredible amount of useful information, but most are structured to relate more to fun than for academic purposes. However, their Google scholar search engine is the best option when it comes to searching for academic information. For those who live in the United States, can also be a resourceful online search engine containing a huge number of credible and acceptable information you can use. While you embark on your research, take the tie to go through information related to your field of study. History and politics are the most common ones. Cautiously Read Through Each Source You Collect Many students commit the same mistake each and every time they are writing an essay. They collect random materials they find in their online research and aimlessly fill their bibliographies with unrelated academic resources. Please do keep in mind that even if the topic of the article or source feels kind of related to your work, it does not mean that the content will relate to your topic. You may underestimate the knowledge of your professor about this, but your grades will tell you later since he might beware. Remember that it is crucial to go through your sources and use the complete citation as per the required style (APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard) to fill your bibliography section. Also remember that some of the quotes you have used come from these sources, so it is important to ensure that you pay attention when it comes to referencing and in-text citation. Only Choose Topics That Fit Your Preference and Make Notes After you select a point that fits your essay topic, make a summary of each point and related argument that you will use in your law essay. There are two ways to do it; either you highlight the crucial parts or create a separate document and copy paste the information. However, this might be an easy way to approach note-taking, but it is not an as effective process. Taking notes manually ensures that you put down points oriented to your topic to help you easily create a comprehensive law essay that is well outlined. Have in mind that copy-pasting is a risky process as you might end up putting the same content into your essay. This is subject to plagiarism and can lower your grade heavily when it is detected. Make sure that you utilize the note-taking process as you will be able to come up with unique ideas that are original and logical. Conduct a Research of Opposing Arguments As a writer, you are required to compose an essay which mostly relates to your point of view. However, your point of reason should not be one-sided, especially in topics that are complex or controversial such as those in law. Take time and conduct thorough research of opposing arguments and use them to prove the validity of your point of reason over them to your target audience. The process of Writing Your Law Essay After you have done enough research and gathered enough evidence to work with, you can now start writing your law essay. Below are some tips that will help you in the construction of your law essay easily.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Begin with a thesis Take a look at the main research question you were deliberating about earlier. If you did complete the full research and analysis of it, you could use it to address your thesis statement. This will include the primary issue you will discuss in your essay. The thesis statement should be the closing statement of your introductory paragraph.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Formulate a Draft Outline You can easily achieve this by going through your previously drafted work on the law essay topic and arrange the vital information available to fit a logical flow of your intended idea.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Each Paragraph To Address a Single Argument Your introductory paragraph addresses your problem and the thesis statement. For body paragraphs, use them to expound on your point and support them with valid information and arguments to prove your point of view. Additionally, ensure that each paragraph addresses a single point of view. Remember to arrange your body paragraph in order, for your work to make sense when a reader goes through it.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Include the Opposing Arguments As mentioned earlier, your counter-arguments are necessary to give the reader an impression of the validity of your perspective. Use one paragraph to address the opposing arguments to your thesis statement. While you try to prove the counter-arguments wrong, always remember to remain reasonable and logical as you address the issue. Avoid criticizing and prove your point sufficiently.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Write a Well-Organized Conclusion A well-organized conclusion should consist of a restatement of each valid point that you have argued in your body paragraphs. At the start of it, you should also write a restated thesis statement. The idea here is not to paraphrase your points, to restate and prove that it’s right.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Go Through the Paper Again Proofreading is an important aspect of ensuring your essay is first-class and worth the highest grade to be awarded by your professor. You should do this after you have finished writing the final piece of work. It is advisable to do it the following day when you are fresh enough to go through each statement you have put across carefully. Through this, you will identify any mechanical or technical error, from spelling mistakes to punctuation, and even grammatical errors.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Work with the Required Formatting As you proofread your work, it is important to check the outline structure of your work and academic format (this will be specified in the assignment prompt). If none is provided, pick one of your preferred choices and stick to it until you finish your work.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consequences of a college student cheating on exams Essay

Consequences of a college student cheating on exams - Essay Example However, cheating comes with its consequences, many of which can prove to be harmful to the education and future career of a college student. College students have as many reasons as to why they cheat as they have methods to cheat. Some of the most common reasons as to why college students claim to cheat include not having enough time to study, the material was too hard to understand and they did not want to seek tutoring, and they had other stressful things going on in their lives that they could not possibly find time to care about studying. So, being unprepared for their exams, they prepare instead to cheat. They bring in sheets containing notes, facts, and even answers; they copy fellow students; some even obtain the actual test and simply memorize the answers. College students can get creative with how they cheat. However, if they put the same amount of effort into preparing for their tests, they would not have to rely on cheating. The consequences of cheating in college are a l ot different and more intense than consequences of cheating in elementary school, or even in high school. ... When a college student is caught cheating on an exam, the first course of action that is taken is that they not only receive a failing grade on that exam, but they usually receive a failing grade for the entire course. This is done for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, if the student was willing to cheat on an exam, there is nothing to suggest that they were honest with any of their work prior to taking the exam. Also, by cheating on the exam, they show that they are not serious about their education as a college student. When a student receives a failing grade for the class, they are often removed from the class and are not refunded their money for the remainder of the course (Noah & Eckstein 104). In the case that the class is a core class and is therefore required, the student usually faces the consequence of not being accepted back into that class in a later semester. Next, the student is brought before the student disciplinary board of their university. The disciplinary board will make the decision of what should happen next to the student. In most cases, if this is the student’s first time being caught cheating, they are put on academic probation, which can vary from one semester or until they graduate. Their grades are monitored, and they often have to take their tests alone and under strict supervision of a designated instructor. If they are caught cheating again, or if the person brought before the board is a repeat offender, the student is expelled from the college. Once a student has been caught cheating numerous times and are then expelled from their school, it becomes difficult to find another college that will take them because their record of cheating will follow them wherever they go. No other college is going to be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Negative effects of technology in education Research Paper

Negative effects of technology in education - Research Paper Example One of the most fundamental golden rules that have to be observed when using technology in education is that moderation is everything and this is because of the fact that technology can easily be overused within the classroom, and this can cause a negative effect on the entire learning experience. It is true that some of these effects are already being seen from student texting and internet usage during class and there are also increased prevalence of plagiarism for coursework and general deficiency of respect for accurate language usage particularly when writing essays. This is a clear indicator of the consequences that technology usually has on the intellectual abilities of the current generation and is a display of the overall power of the internet. According to David Gelernter, â€Å"computers are our worst educational nightmares come true.† While it is a fact that independent thought has greatly been encouraged through the reading of books and has ensured the development of new ideas, this ability would be immensely diminished if there were no books in the world because it is only through the study of old ideas that new ideas are developed. Technology that is used in education, such as the internet will inevitably lead to the extinction of books from the education system because it is the source of plenty of information. However, despite the large reserves of information within this technology, the internet does not have the qualities which books have because most of the information gotten from it is often instant and shallow. The internet does not allow individuals to contemplate on the information which they have just received, as books do and the lack of independent thought because of the absence of books is likely to put the human race into a dark age of intellectual stagnation. The ability to think through the study of the previous work of scholars is what has helped the academic advancement of many children in the past and the inability to thi nk and the reliance on shallow sources of information such as the internet is likely to see the end of the academic system as we know it. Students are able to learn about their past from books and with this knowledge, the take action to avoid the mistakes of their past. The use of technology in education has to be moderated because it is a fact that books have been and still are the most credible source of academic information for centuries, and without books, one would conclude that there can be no history. Gelenter further states that â€Å"teaching children to understand the orderly unfolding of a plot or argument is a critical part of education and this is why the study of stories and arguments is only possible through books and because of the developing lack of interest in them, slowly but surely, students are likely to end up without a culture of analyzing their environment. This can clearly be seen when most of the children today prefer watching television, playing video gam es and even social networking on the internet to having intellectual discussions. The power of the media has become so great that many students in the education system do not have the will, or the inclination, to live a different sort of life. When individual students are asked what they learned

Monday, November 18, 2019

GROUP PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

GROUP PROJECT - Essay Example Thus, this paper aims at looking how a particular research in the field of business is conducted. As such, the process or processes will be highlighted and compared to Sekaran’s research roadmap. There have been several suggestions on how research should be conducted depending on its nature, purpose, relevance, and contribution to the existing body of knowledge. In social sciences, especially in all fields related to business management and administration, many trends have surfaced out in the pursuit of delivering the best output both quantitatively and qualitatively so as to achieve certain goals necessary to the overall success of companies. Using the Sekaran research process, our group analyzed how Dennis Tourish and Paul Robson went about their research entitled Sensemaking and the Distortion of Critical Upward Communication in Organizations published by the Journal of Management Studies in its June 2006 issue. Dwelling on the importance of Critical Upward Communication or CUC as its point of inquiry, the researchers began by making sure that the readers can have a gist and eventually a full grasp of the whole paper by defining certain terminologies critical to the overall understanding and appreciation of the research. The research topic was then carefully introduced through the aid of â€Å"exemplifications and illustrations† which can be subsumed under â€Å"general observation,† the very first step in the process outlined by Sekaran. It was not difficult to identify the focal point of the research because it was overtly stated in its introduction coupled with clues that lead to the paper’s hypothesis. This is a clear deviation, at least in the manner or chronology of presentation, from the one outlined by Sekana. Steps 1, 2, and 3 were all jumbled up in the introduction. However, the paper can still be thoroughly understood as it presented its points and concerns in a deductive way. The literature review came right after the problem was

Friday, November 15, 2019

Traditional English Food And The History History Essay

Traditional English Food And The History History Essay English cuisine is shaped by the countrys temperate climate, its island geography and its history. The latter includes interactions with other European countries, and the importing of ingredients and ideas from places such as North America, China and India during the time of the British Empire and as a result of post-war immigration. As a result, traditional foods have ancient origins, such as bread and cheese, roasted and stewed meats, meat and game pies, and freshwater and saltwater fish. English cuisine is one of the simplest cuisines in all the European cuisines it is shaped by the countries climate and geography. English breakfast is popular worldwide because is also called as morning meal its very heavy breakfast consisting of eggs, grilled or poached fish, tomato, mushrooms, hash brown and bacon . In English cuisine popular preparations are steaks, grilled fish, and sausages. Sunday roast is popular all over England. Traditional English food The Sunday roast is a very common traditional meal of English cusine. The Sunday dinner traditionally includes roast potatoes accompanying a roasted joint of meat such as roast beef, lamb, and assorted vegetables; themselves generally roasted or boiled and served with gravy. Yorkshire pudding and gravy is now often served as an accompaniment to the main course, although it was originally served first as filler. Fish and chips: It is possibly the most popular and identifiable English dish, and is traditionally served with a side order of mushy peas with salt and vinegar as condiments. The full English breakfast (also known as cooked breakfast or fried breakfast). It normally consists of a combination of bacon, grilled tomatoes, fried bread, black pudding, baked beans, fried mushrooms, sausages, and eggs (fried, scrambled or boiled). Hash browns are sometimes added, traditionally Pies, have long been a very traditional food of English cooking, Pies were originally a way to preserve food. It is simply a pastry with some filling, it could be meat, fish, vegetables or even sweet filling. Meat pies are generally enclosed with fillings such as chicken and mushroom or steak and kidney (originally steak and oyster). Open pies or flans are generally served for dessert with fillings of seasonal fruit. The Cornish pasty is a much-loved regional dish, constructed from pastry is folded into a semi-circular purse. The origins of the pasty are largely unknown. It is generally accepted that the pasty originated from Cornwall. The pasty was originally made as lunch (croust or crib in the Cornish language) for Cornish tin miners who were unable to return to the surface to eat, covered in dirt from head to foot, they could hold the pasty by the folded crust and eat the rest without touching it, and then throwing away the dirty pastry crust. Another kind of pie is topped with m ashed potato-for instance, shepherds pie, with lamb, cottage pie, with beef, or fishermans pie. Sandwiches England can claim to have given the world the word sandwich, although Earl was not the first to add a filling to bread. This creation came into existence through long nights at the gaming table. The origin of this story seems to be a passage in Grosleys Tour to London: A minister of state passed four and twenty hours at a public gaming-table, so absorpt in play that, during the whole time, he had no subsistence but a bit of beef, between two slices of toasted bread, which he eat without ever quitting the game. This new dish grew highly in vogue, during my residence in London: it was called by the name of the minister who invented it. (Ref : accessed on 16th march 2009) English sausages are distinctive in that they are usually made from fresh meats and rarely smoked, dried, or strongly flavoured. Pork and beef are by far the most common bases. Most of the well known English sausages are Cumberland and Lincolnshire but often varieties such as Pork and Apple; Pork and Herb; Beef and Stilton; Pork and Mozzarella, have also evolved with the growing gastronomic trend. These sausages are normally served with onion gravy and mash. Sweets consist of many original home-made desserts such as rhubarb crumbles, Christmas puddings which is made with dried fruits soaked in rum, bread and butter pudding. The traditional accompaniment is custard, sometimes known as crà ¨me anglaise (English cream made with eggs and milk). English cusine is simple and traditional, with recipes passed on from generation to generation. Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. The afternoon tea was way of killing the long break between lunch and dinner The Duchess would become hungry around four oclock in the afternoon. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her. This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880s upper-class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five oclock. Traditional afternoon tea consists of a selection of sandwiches, scones served with clotted cream and preserves. Cakes and pastries are also served. Tea grown in India or Ceylon is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups. (Ref : Cuisine of Scotland, Wales and Ireland are the major regional cuisine of Great Britain. Scottish cuisine Scottish cuisine has been greatly influenced by the cooking traditions and practices followed in the Great Britain. Traditional Scottish cuisine has distinctive attributes and recipes of its own, as a result of foreign and local influences both ancient and modern. The mouth watering dishes of the Scottish cuisine have been relished by people in different countries across the globe. Scotland has a temperate climate and abundance of game species, and relied on the oceans and rivers to provide them with plentiful fish. Oats quickly become the staple source of food once agriculture had arrived. Starchy carbohydrates such as pasta, cereals, bread are major stapel part of the cuisine. They are often accompanied by fruits and vegetables. Apart from meat and fish, cheese, yoghurts and milk find place in the traditional food of Scotland. The special flavour and tempting taste of the dishes is acquired by mixing spices, vegetables and meat. You will find fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, pork meat, lamb and beacon as the basic ingredients in many Scottish dishes. Popular Dishes Haggis is one of the most popular dishes in Scotland. Prepared from the lungs, liver and heart of sheep or calf, the dish is generally minced with oatmeal, seasoned with pepper and onion and boiled like a large sausage. The dish was also popular in British, until 18th century. Another popular Scottish dish is oatcakes, made of barley and oat-flour biscuit. The cakes are baked on a griddle and served with cheese. A recipe well-known in the East coast of Scotland is Arbroath Smokie, a wood-smoked Haddock fish. Scotch broth is very famous soup from Scotland and known world wide mainly made from meat and vegetables is considered very healthy, many common dishes are rich in fat. Scotland is very well known for its excellent quality, rich and tasty red meat beef is generally prepared from the Aberdeen-Angus breed of cattle. Scottish people prepare a number of desserts and sweets also, to satisfy their sweet tooth. One such popular recipe is the Black Bun a rich fruit cake prepared with raisins, brown sugar currants, and finely-chopped peel and chopped almonds. A host of traditional Scottish puddings, like Cranachan, Cream Crowdie, Girdle Scones and Clootie Dumpling, further add sweetness to the cuisine. Jams, jellies and all kinds of preserves are inevitable for the Scots. Summer fruits such as raspberries, strawberries and blackberries are also quite popular in Scotland. (Ref:, Cuisine of Wales Welsh cuisine, i.e. the cuisine of Wales, is highly influenced by the culinary practices adopted in England. The people of Wales largely make use of lamb and pork in their traditional recipes, apart from bacon. Most of the food in Wales is produced with local ingredients. Lamb is particularly popular here. Wales is well known for its sheep farming and lamb has always been traditionally associated with Welsh cooking. Beef and dairy cattle are raised here too, especially in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. Popular Dishes The traditional food of Wales is made from the local ingredients available in the country, some traditional dishes include: Welshcakes: (small pastries cooked on a bakestone), crempogs (pancakes), Bara brith (sweet bread with currants), cawl (stew with lamb and sometimes leeks), Laver bread (seaweed served delicacy) and Welsh rarebit (toast with cheese and butter). Apart from this, the other popular dishes in Welsh cuisine include Leek Soup, steamed Cockles, Faggots (meatballs made from lamb or pigs liver), and Roast Monkfish. Another popular dish, prepared by the natives of the country, is Roast Lamb, cooked with mint sauce. All of them are rich in taste as well as aroma. A traditional Welsh breakfast consists of eggs and cockles, fried with bacon and sausage and served with laver bread. Wales is well known for manufacturing a wide variety of cheese as well, including Caerphilly cheese, Y Fenni cheese, Hen-Sir cheese, Llanboidy cheese, Tintern and Pantysgawn. It is also popular for Welsh beer and whiskey. Glengettie is the famous Welsh tea. (Ref: Irish cuisine Irish cuisine isnt very fancy. The only way to describe Irish food is as traditional, healthy, farm style home cooking, made up of hearty soups and stews, home made breads and of course, potatoes that come roast, fried, boiled, mashed every way imaginable. The potato was introduced into Ireland in the second half of the 16th century; it eventually came to be the main food crop of the poor. Traditional Irish breads include soda bread, wheaten bread, soda farls, and blaa, a doughy white bread roll particular to Waterford. Popular Dishes Popular Irish dishes include Irish stew (in Irish Stobhach Gaelach) is a traditional Irish dish made from lamb, beef or mutton, as well as potatoes, onions, and parsley, Boxty (bacstaà ­ in Gaeilge) is a traditional Irish potato pancake, Bangers and mash, also known as sausages and mash, is an English/Irish dish made of mashed potatoes and sausages, Barmbrack (Irish: Bà ¡irà ­n Breac) is a yeasted bread with added sultanas and raisins, Champ (brà ºità ­n in Irish) is a northern Irish dish, made by combining mashed potatoes and chopped spring onions with butter and milk, and optionally, salt and pepper, Coddle It consists of layers of roughly sliced pork sausages and rashers (thinly sliced, somewhat fatty back bacon) with sliced potatoes, and onions, traditionally small amount of Guinness is added to the pot, Colcannon is a made from mashed potatoes, kale or cabbage, butter, salt, and pepper, Drisheen is a traditional Irish black pudding, Irish Pheasant, Dublin Bay Prawns, Cranna ch (seaweed) along with every kind of seafood under the sun. The west of Ireland produces excellent seafood, most of it caught by traditional methods dating back centuries. Ireland is famous for the Irish breakfast, a fried (or grilled) meal generally includes bacon, egg, sausage, black and white pudding, fried tomato and which may also include fried potato farls or fried potato slices. Irelands best known whiskies include Jameson, Paddy and Bushmills. Guinness, Irelands most famous stout, is often used as an ingredient in Irish recipies. It is also very well known for its Irish coffee, Irish cream, Irish mist. Its also particularly popular with Oysters. The Clarinbridge Oyster Festival held in County Clare every year is an incredibly popular event. Examples of English cuisine: Savoury dishes Bangers and mash (sausages and mashed potato) Beef cobbler Black pudding Bubble and squeak Cauliflower cheese Cheese Cornish pasty Cottage pie Cumberland sausage Dumplings Faggots Fish and chips Full English breakfast Gravy Hash browns Jellied eels Lancashire hotpot Lincolnshire sausage Pie and mash Ploughmans lunch Pork pie Shepherds pie Scouse Sunday roast Toad-in-the-hole Yorkshire pudding Sweet dishes Apple pie Christmas pudding Clotted cream Mince pie Queen of Puddings Spotted dick Sticky toffee pudding Trifle Treacle tart (Ref:, 20th February 2009) Commodities The common food products consumed by English peoples is Meat Beef the best beef in England comes from north west and south east. Also lamb is used in cooking such as Lancashire hotpot. Pork, Chicken and game are also consumed in England. Also sausages and ham play vital role in English Cuisine. Potatoes are part of many cooked dishes such as soups, pies, purees, fried cakes and stews. Fish As England is surrounded by Artic and north Atlantic ocean and as well as it has got rivers there is variety of freshwater and saltwater fish is available such as salmon, plaice, Dover sole, cod, haddock, herring, mackerel. Fruits English fruits are apple, apricot, avocado, banana, melons such as honeydew, watermelon, cantaloupe, all types of berries which can be grown easily in cold climate. English Cheeses Red Leicester, Stilton, Double Gloucester, Cornish yarg, camembert, different varieties of cheddar. Herbs Different varieties of herbs are used in English Cuisine such as thyme, rosemary, basil, sage, dill, mint, tarragon. EQUIPMENTS Equipments used in English Cuisine are Yorkshire pudding tins/moulds for puddings. Wood fired ovens for roasting of meat, roasting trays for roasting of meat. Pie dishes for shepherds pie. And other dishes required for the functional kitchen. Afternoon tea stands it a traditional stand for tea sandwiches, which looks like plates staged on a stand. (Ref: Englands heritage food and cooking (Lorenz books 2007). (Ref: Google images) METHODS USED Methods used are: Roasting Is used for all types of roast meats such as roast beef, roast chicken Braising Is used for dishes called as braised pig cheeks or braised beef shoulders. Poaching Is used for poaching fish such as salmon, haddock. Frying Is used for fish and chips. And other items which are deep fried such as hash browns. Grilling Is also one of the most common methods used all over England for grilled fish and meat. For example grilled mackerel, or sole with lemon butter. Baking This method is used for the dishes such as Lancashire hotpot, Shepherds pie.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sun Also Rises Essay -- essays research papers

The Sun Also Rises The novel starts out when Jake Barnes, Frances Coyne, and Robert Cohn are dining together. Jake suggests that he and Cohn go to Strasbourg together, because he knows a girl there who can show them around. Frances kicks him under the table several times before Jake gets her hint. After dinner, Robert follows Cohn to ask why he mentioned the girl. He tells Robert that he can’t take any trip that involves seeing any girls. Robert gains a new confidence when he returns from a trip to New York where the critics praised his first novel. Women threw themselves at him, and he also won several hundred dollars playing bridge with his New York connections. He has also been seized with a desire to go to South America. He feels that he is not living his life to the fullest, and he unsuccessfully tries to persuade Jake to go with him, offering to pay for everything. Jake tells him that only bull-fighters live their lives to the fullest. But Jake just tells him that he can’t escape his misery by moving from one place to another. While sitting alone in a cafe later that evening, Jake catches the eye of a pretty girl named Georgette. Jake thinks it would be nice to have dinner with someone, so they take a cab to find a restaurant. Georgette makes a pass at him, and Jake explains that he got a wound in the war that makes it impossible for him to have sex. They agree that the war was a horrible thing, and that it never should have been fought. When they get to the restaurant, some of Jake's friends see him and invite him to a dancing-club with Georgette. Lady Brett Ashley arrives with a group of men that are wearing jerseys. Cohn asks Jake to have a drink, and Brett joins them. Cohn immediately becomes infatuated with her, and tries unsuccessfully to persuade her to dance with him. But Jake and Brett end up leaving the club together. Once they get into a taxi, Brett tells Jake that she is miserable. Jake kisses her, but she tells him to stop. They love one another, but Brett won’t have a romantic relationship because Jake can’t have sex. They go to a cafe to drink. When they get there, they meet some acquaintances, and get introduced to Count Mippipopolous. Jake leaves to return home for the ... ...ean de Luz to drop Mike off. Jake says good-bye to Bill at the train station in Bayonne. Then Jake takes a train to San Sebastian. Not long after he gets there, he gets two telegrams, one forwarded from Paris and one forwarded from Pamplona. They are both from Brett. She wants him to come to Hotel Montana in Madrid because she’s in trouble. When Jake gets to Madrid, Brett greets him with a kiss. She called Jake because she was not sure if she could make Pedro go away, and she did not have money to leave. Pedro offered her money, but she would not take it. He wanted to marry her, so she would not leave him. She left Pedro because she did not want to ruin him. She wants to go back to Mike. Brett and Jake go to a bar and have several martinis before having dinner in a nice restaurant with several bottles of wine. She begs Jake not to get drunk. She assures him that he will be all right. They get a taxi to drive around town. Jake puts his arm around her, and Brett says, "Oh Jake, we could have had such a damned good time together." Jake replies, "Yes, isn't it pretty to think so?" And that’s how the book ends.