Thursday, September 3, 2020

Applying Ethical Practice Essay

Moral Implications The moral standards associated with the article inspected are usefulness (achieve positive great) constancy (reliable), and veracity (trustworthiness) The medical attendant included is gotten between the center standards of nursing, by following the patients wish of not educating her folks by the determinations regarding an explicitly transmitted sickness. The ramifications of selling out the center standards of nursing could cause inner clash with her worth standards, and also the trust of the patient. Different ramifications could be the manner by which the guardians see the patient. Exacting strict feelings of the guardians could make more mischief the youthful youngster by evading the kid, and not letting the kid get back would shield the kid from accepting the treatment required, and conceivably make a destitute circumstance for the high schooler. Making the school mindful of the girls’ circumstance would likewise be penetrate of secretly, and may even reason lawful entan glements for the human services office. The circumstance with the sex parties isn't identified with school exercises, except if sex parties were happening nearby. Because of the way that the medical attendant educated the school the youthful teenager endeavors self destruction, and again may have lawful entanglements for the attendant and the human services office. These suggestions can be found in the article checked on. Moral Theories and Ethical Principals With regards to veracity and devotion the calling of nursing is viewed as at the highest priority on the rundown. (â€Å"Honesty/Ethics in Professions,† 2013) The Nightingale Pledge calls medical caretakers to have and utilize these worth standards consistently in nursing and furthermore in consistently life. As indicated by the Code of Ethics for Nurses arrangement 3 3.2†¦ the attendant has the obligation to keep up privacy of all data. Keeping up these standards additionally advances Nonmaleficence (do no mischief). Concurring Jean Watson’s carative variables (Lachman, 2012) â€Å"developing and supporting a helping-trusting, real caring relationship† is at the very center of nursing. Building this relationship with the patient the medical caretaker must act naturally mindful of anyâ judgmental sentiments he/she may have in regards to the patient situation.(Lachman, 2012) The attendant needs to choose what is the most ideal approach to think about the you thful teenager. In the event that secretly is broken further treatment by the patient may not be looked for after. Regarding the patient additionally implies regarding secretly. We should pick up the patients loyalty and keep up the trust for proceeding with correspondence to happen. Anyway in the article checked on after the medical attendant finds the youthful teenagers analyze she is torn between the believing relationship she has been creating and the rule of helpfulness by educating her folks regarding the determinations of cervical malignant growth. She additionally has the data with respect to her sexual actuates. Again this disregards the privately expected to keep up the confiding in relationship or usefulness. On the off chance that the trust isn't broken the youthful high schooler won't look for treatment and further damage will be finished. Choices Options in contrast to this circumstance would prompt likely penetrate of a few center nursing esteems, loyalty and veracity. It would likewise break Nonmaleficence. Anyway the youthful youngster is a minor and the determinations of cervical malignancy is a finding that needs treatment requiring parent’s assent. The option of keeping the youthful teenagers certainty, would bring about the patient not accepting the consideration she needs. Which would be a break of Nonmaleficence. It would likewise be a penetrate loyalty and veracity between the doctor and the medical attendant. The choice to not educating the school regarding the sex gatherings would have a greatly improved result, the self destruction endeavor in all probability would not have happened, and the social insurance office would not be taking a gander at likely legitimate procedures. Perhaps changing the language and forgetting about the youthful teenagers name would have been a vastly improved other option. Morals Committee Approaches A penetrate of privately ought to never be messed with. The divulgence of he data to the school and the subsequent endeavored self destruction might be of greater worry to the human services office, instead of the break of privately between the medical attendant and the youthful teenager since she is a minor, and the penetrate of secretly will achieve the consideration the youthful youngster needs. The advisory group could bring up the issue about the physicians’ judgmentâ and his choice to inform the school. References Genuineness/Ethics in Professions. (2013). Recovered from morals professions.aspx Lachman, V. D. (2012). Applying the Ethics of Nursing to Your Nursing Practice. MEDSURG NURSING, 21(2), 112-117. Recovered from Nathanson, P. G. (2011, July, 6). Deceiving Trust or Providing Good Care? When is it alright to break privately? American Journal of Bioethics. Purtilo, R. B., and Doherty, R. F. (2011). Moral Dimensions in the Health Professions (fifth ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders. American Nurses Association (ANA). (2001). Code of morals for medical attendants with interpretive explanations. Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Come in-Ahhh Merciii Essay Example for Free

Come in-Ahhh Merciii Essay Scene V, Blanche: Come in-Ahhh Merciii Discuss this concentrate corresponding to the remainder of the content focusing on structure, structure and utilization of language. The consummation area of scene five of Tennessee Williamss play A Streetcar Named Desire has incited a lot of disarray and discussion with regards to the scholars intentions concerning the depiction of Blanche. One way of thinking on the issue is that, regardless of the way that Williams generally put together the character of Blanche with respect to himself his essential point in the play is to rebuff her for her inability to show compassion towards her gay spouse Allan. Williams was obviously a gay himself, living in a to a great extent homophobic reality where gayness was not a discussed subject. He regularly brought the issue up in his different works, for example, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof where the characters Brick and Skipper and both depicted as potential gay people. Whitens absence of sympathy and empathy are featured by and by in this concentrate when she absolutely neglects to consider the sentiments of a subsequent youngster, and rather utilizes him to experience her dreams of want for her late spouse. During the trade among Blanche and the youngster she is depicted as tempting and prevailing I need to kiss you clarifying that she is the one starting the circumstance, this is a sensational complexity to her typical persona around other men, for example, Mitch and Stanley where she describes herself as both blameless and unadulterated. This concentrate is one of the spots where her hallucination begins to slip and her past activities are alluded to the crowd. Whitens response to you youthful keeps an eye on notice of cherry soft drink you make my mouth water has a solid explicitly reference, a cherry being a similitude for virginity, which likely just Blanche knows about. This shows she is essentially messing around with the youngster utilizing him for her own pleasure. In the following scene Blanche treats Mitch in a fundamentally the same as way, in the wake of finding that he doesn't communicate in French she says Voulez-vous love seats avec mo ice soir? which means might you want to lay down with me tonight? which is the call of a French whore. The absence of thought that Blanche appears towards the two men and the manner in which she has all the earmarks of being utilizing them both (The youngster for a rush and Mitch for security) insights not just towards the way that in the past she has looked for solutions for her dejection with outsiders yet additionally bolsters the illustration introduced later in the play of Blanche being a tarantula catching her casualties in a snare of hallucinations Yes a major arachnid! That is the place I brought my casualties. Another case of how Williams is utilizing this scene to censure Blanches can be found by taking a gander at the activities of the youngster. During the scene he talks anxiously and makes visit looks towards the entryway depicting his desire to get away from structure Blanches and making it evident that he is awkward with the circumstance. Well Id should be-. While depicting the youngster Blanche over and over utilizations the word youthful and furthermore calls him sheep, this upholds his childhood to the crowd as well as the way that Blanche knows about how much more youthful than her he is. The last and maybe most damming bit of proof towards Blanche is her response towards Mitch toward the finish of the scene, where, having recently kissed a little fellow she welcomes the man she is planning to wed with great enthusiasm, returning to her old fantasy of immaculateness. This shows her as cutthroat and manipulative towards the two gatherings, in the she assumes the move of two totally various individuals to get what she needs. It additionally presents a clue that Blanche is lying about her sexual history. Whitens activities in this concentrate could likewise be viewed for instance of conscious pitilessness, to the extent that she is happy to exploit a confounded and hesitant youngster only for her own pleasure. Blanche has of centers been liable of intentional brutality in her past when she talked about her repugnance towards Allan I know. I saw. You sicken me. prompting his self destruction. Conscious remorselessness is something that Blanche states that she scorns and has Never been blameworthy off making her crease rather double-dealing. Some may contend in reality that Williams is in truth utilizing this concentrate to inspire the crowds feel sorry for towards Blanche instead of their judgment. All through the play reference has been every now and again made to Blanches declining mental state, for example, when Stanley removes the letters composed by Allan from her and she gets insane. Williams delicately helps the crowd to remember this from numerous points of view all through the concentrate. For a beginning, concerning the lighter Blanche utilizes the word Temperamental, which is an abnormal depiction and likely proposed to think about her psychological state. During the later piece of the scene the meeting is joined by the Blue Piano, a common indication of Blanches blame, hopelessness and mental declination. It highlights at numerous focuses in the play, as a rule during times of anguish for Blanche, for example, when she is thinking back about the loss of Bell Reve to Stella. Whitens disintegrating mental state isn't helped by her liquor addiction, another of Williamss character characteristics that highlight all through his plays, for example, with Brick in Cat on a hot tin Roof. Despite the fact that Blanche isnt really savoring this concentrate the crowd realizes that she has smashed before in the scene a shot never does a coke any mischief and are demonstrated how drink can cause individuals to do things be the activities of the tipsy Negro lady not long before the youngster shows up. The negro lady clucking insanely, influencing unsteadily comes around the bend. Williams may likewise have been attempting to cause the crowd to identify with Blanches distrustfulness about her appearance and franticness to feel youthful once more. Prior is the scene the crowd sees Blanche glancing in the mirror she is later to crush, indicating underlining her delicacy about her looks. She likewise conversed with Stella about her blurring appearance I Im blurring now. The crowd has additionally been aware of Blanches scorn of light I cannot stand a bare light and her need to hear positive comments about her appearance I was looking for a commendation Stanley. Another factor that must be considered is that beforehand in the scene Stanley has started to tear down the fantasies Blanche weaves to secure herself be indicating that he thinks about her past activities (Again implying that Blanche is lying about her past) Shaw is under the feeling that he met you in Loral leaving her uncovered and in a condition of hysteric stun appeared by her successive delays in sentences and trembling her hand shakes so it nearly slips structure the glass. Maybe the most probable clarification for this why this scene appears to show Blanche is two conflicting lights anyway is that Williams is intentionally leaving it questionable, permitting the crowd to settle on their own emotions towards Blanche, and that the genuine motivation behind this scene is to prefigure the disclosures about Blanches past, especially her relationship with the multi year old kid that lost her employment.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Upton Sinclairs The Jungle as Socialist Propaganda Essay -- Upton Sin

The Jungle as Socialist Propaganda   In the realm of monetary rivalry that we live in today, many flourish and many are left to burrow through trashcans. It has been a consistent battle all through the cutting edge history of society. One generally endorsed case of this battle is Upton Sinclair's notable novel, The Jungle. The Jungle takes the peruser along on an excursion with a gathering of late Lithuanian foreigners to America. Just as a physical excursion, this is an excursion into another world for them. They have come to America, where in the mid twentieth century it was said that any man ready to work a genuine day would get by and could bolster his family. It is a perfect that all Americans know about one of the establishments that got American culture where it is today. Be that as it may, while recounting to this story, Upton Sinclair connects with the peruser in a representative and allegorical war against private enterprise. Sinclair's scorn for entrepreneur society is available all through the novel, from sp read to cover, represented in the excitement of Jurgis to work, the consistent battle for endurance of the laborers of Packingtown, the debasement of the man at all degrees of society, and from multiple points of view.   To comprehend the manners by which political frameworks are imperative to this novel, it is important to characterize both private enterprise and communism as they are applicable to The Jungle. Private enterprise, and all the more explicitly, free enterprise free enterprise, is the monetary framework in America. It fundamentally implies that makers and shoppers reserve the option to gather and go through their cash through any legitimate methods they pick. It is the financial framework generally fitting with the possibility of the American Dream. The American Dream portr... ... the peruser.   Private enterprise experienced an extreme assault on account of Upton Sinclair in this novel. By demonstrating the wretchedness that free enterprise brought the foreigners through working conditions, day to day environments, social conditions, and the general difficulty to flourish in this new world, Sinclair opened the entryway for what he accepted was the arrangement: communism. With the subtleties of the meatpacking business, the administration explored and people in general shouted out in nauseate and outrage. The epic was liable for the section of The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. With the effect that Sinclair more likely than not realized this book would have, it is intriguing that he additionally obviously attempted to make it fuction as promulgation against free enterprise and ace communism.   Work Cited: Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. New York: Doubleday Page & Associates. 1906  

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Administrative Law Pre-trial Procedure in a Civil Lawsuit - 825 Words

Administrative Law: Pre-trial Procedure in a Civil Lawsuit (Coursework Sample) Content: Administrative LawName:Institution:Administrative LawQuestion oneA notice for hearing under the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) must meet some prerequisites for it to be adequate. For example, it must be given in good time. The administrative authorities and tribunals must give the person enough time to prepare himself for the appearance. In addition, it must detail the reasons why the person is required to appear before the tribunal. The details must include all specific components of the wrong things that the person levelled against the person (Hall, 2014). Furthermore, it must include the details of the location at which the hearing will take place. Accompanying the venue of the hearing should be exact time that the proceeding shall begin. That include when the person is required to appear before the panel. Finally, the person must be notified as to the issues that need his response.Question twoWhen issuing decisions after a formal or informal adjudication, age ncies are required to observe some crucial formalities. For example, they must include a list of the issues that needed determination. Secondly, they must state their own interpretations and how such issues relate to the law. Following identification of the issues that require determination, the agencies are required to issue their decision for each issue (Hall, 2014). Such a condition means that for each question that was in issue, the agency must indicate its decision. In the same context, it must provide a rationale that led to each decision. The rationale should be guided by legal interpretation of the issues. It must also state the law or laws that was applied during the decision making process.Question threeBasically, discovery is a pre-trial procedure in a civil lawsuit where the parties to a suit acquire evidence from each other. It is enables a party to build a case through evidence acquired from the adverse party.There several methods used to conduct the discovery process. One of such methods is deposition. Deposition involves direct questioning of the adverse party who is under oath for matters relating to an upcoming trial. Secondly, discovery can take the form of interrogatories. Interrogatories are written questions which are sent to the adverse party regarding an upcoming trial. The other party is required to answer the questions under oath since the answers can be used in the the third place, discovery can take the form of evidence requests. The request for evidence is simply one party asking the other to produce tangible evidence relating to the case. Finally, discovery can take the form of request for admission. In this case, the adverse party is required to admit the truth of certain facts under oath.Question fourIn event an agency encroaches on the civil liberties of human beings, the burden of proving the necessity of encroachment should be imposed on it. In other words, the agency should bear the burden of explaining that it was necessary to interfere with the civil liberty of the person. The foregoing condition is based on several reasons. Firstly, the agency is more powerful than the private individual (Woll, 2006). As such it has higher ability to interfere with the rights of the person unnecessarily. At such it should be held responsible when the need to prove necessity steps in. Secondly, civil rights ought to be protected by the state. One way of protecting the civil liberties of the people would be by preventing state agencies from encroaching on them unless there is a pertinent need to do so.Question oneThe doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies requires the parties to a case to seek relief from the administrative agencies before resulting to the judiciary. In other words, one...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Laocoon Group - 1229 Words

The Laocoon Group from page 96 in our text (Fig. 3.30). This statue depicts a scene from Virgil s Aeneid. The scene takes place shortly after attempting to warn the Trojan s not to bring the horse into the city, Laocoon goes to the altar of Poseidon with his sons to make a sacrifice when all three are attacked and killed by two sea serpents sent by the gods. This was because of the warning and it is even mentioned that is specifically for throwing his spear at the horse and piercing it. One reason I chose this piece is because of the intricacy of this beautiful work. The expressions on the faces of not only on Laocoon and his sons but also the serpents truly bring to life the words of Virgil in the Aeneid. The anguish on the†¦show more content†¦In particular the Pyramid of Chefren which is protected by the Sphinx, a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human. The book mentions, The aloof tranquility of the human face, perhaps a portrait of the pharaoh (Page 14, Culture and Values). This is another example of how the art in Egypt was more to glorify the rulers than a tribute to the gods. Even the purpose of the pyramids shows that they thought they would go to another existence and rule there as well, taking great amounts of their material possessions from this world with them. There is a similar theme in some of the Chinese art we have seen in our text and that I have found on the internet. For example, The Great Wall of China shows the power of the emperor and his ability to use that power. This was done to some extent by the Greeks (such as the Parthenon) but there was always a theme of the gods reflecting their protection. In Chinese architecture we see animals such as lions and mythical creatures such as dragons protecting the buildings which are a contrast of the gods protecting the buildings of Greece. The statues discovered near the tomb of Shih Huang-ti showing that the belief of life after death and protection of the dead is very important as with the Egyptians. These examples of Chinese are represent imperial power that the emperorShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Heroes Of Beowulf1503 Words   |  7 Pagesart there are many different sculptures and architectures that represent the qualities pertaining to a hero. The main one seen in the Greek period was the statue of Laocoon and the serpents. Laocoon, the son of Acoetes, was a Trojan priest who tried to warn the Trojans against accepting the gift of the Trojan Horse from the Greeks. Laocoon wanted to throw an arrow at the giant wooden horse in order to prove that it was not safe for the Trojans to accept. Even though he was warned by the gods to notRead MoreLaocoons Influence on Renaissance Artists2087 Words   |  9 PagesThe desire and urge to establish stronger connections with the classical past brought about the search and d iscovery of many ancient manuscripts and artworks. One of the most celebrated discoveries occurred during the height of the Renaissance: The Laocoon. Perhaps one of the world’s most famous Hellenistic sculptures, it was originally located in the palace of Titus. It was then lost for over a thousand years before its rediscovery in 1506. Pope Julius II immediately acquired it, and displayed it inRead MoreCompare/Contrast 2 Ancient Sculptures782 Words   |  4 Pagesrevised the art of the Egyptians; therefore leading me to my next choice; a glorious Greek masterpiece. The next piece I have chosen is of the Greek culture. It is a glorious statue called â€Å"Laocoon† also referred to as the â€Å"Laocoon Group† shown on the right. In this classic marble sculpture, the Trojan priest Laocoon and his sons are depicted being assailed by a fearsome sea serpent. The gesture on his face shows countless emotion of pain. This famous statue is an epic work of art that was first discoveredRead MoreLaocoon’s Children and the Limits of Representation Essay examples1228 Words   |  5 Pagesthe rendering of children in art forms during Hellenistic times. This idea is then divided into different sub-categories: Laocoon group depiction of children, the different versions of children, and the viewer’s interaction to the role of children in Greek and Roman mythology. With respect to the first sub-category that is listed, the sculpture of the struggle of Laocoon and his Sons is used to underscore the ideals connected with children. 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When I began this research I could not have possibly understood the relevance this piece had on the art that was yet to come. The Hellenistic period of Greek art spans from the time of Alexander the Great’s death in 323 to 30 B.C.E. (â€Å"Hellenistic Period† 1)Read MoreThe Villa of the Mysteries: Stylistic and Religious Influence of Hellenistic Civilization1442 Words   |  6 Pagesportrayed heightened emotional states, as is exemplified by the Laocoon and His Sons [Fig. 6]. Similarly, pained expressions can be seen on many of the frescoes from the initiation chamber. For example, a look of tortured anguish can be seen on the face of the initiate in the seventh scene, Girl undergoing the ordeal. We also see the use of contrapposto forms, which characterized Hellenistic sculpture such as the aforementioned Laocoon and His Sons, as well as the Winged Victory of Samothrace [FigRead More The Baroque in Italy and Spain Essay1254 Words   |  6 Pagesthe entire structure seem elastic. He merged architecture and sculpture in a way that had not been attempted since Gothic art. Gianlorenzo Bernini was also one of the great Baroque sculptors. While his â€Å"David† (1623) is reminiscent of â€Å"The Laocoon Group,† what makes it Baroque is the implied presence of Goliath. Berninis is the most dramatic, the most realistic portrayal of â€Å"David.† The only serious rival to Bernini in sculpture was Alessandro Algardi (1596-1654) His greatest contribution wasRead More F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - A Life Foolishly Lived1403 Words   |  6 Pageslife values are only parts of the lifecycle in which Jay Gatsby participates in order to follow his dreams. Although not always successful in creating new individualities, Gatsby’s attempts are fully genuine. Gatsby struggles to fit into social groups in to which Daisy Buchanan belongs. Daisy and her husband, Tom Buchanan, often attend parties hosted by Gatsby. Although these parties may be essentially hosted by him, Gatsby does not wholeheartedly attend. As he shrinks away to other areas of hisRead MoreDestruction of Dreams, Failure of Dreamers in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby1489 Words   |  6 Pageshe is one of the richest men in New York. Yet, Gatsby, too, was just another tool used for the fun of society. He was never truly a member of this society. At his own parties, . . . Girls were swooning backward playfully into mens arms, even into groups, knowing that someone would arrest their falls - - - but no one swooned backward on Gatsby, and no French bob touched Gatsbys shoulder, and no singing quartets were formed with Gatsbys head for a link. His home was full of the Leeches, Blackbucks

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Changes from the 1960s - 1143 Words

This essay is on how much the family has changed since the 1960s. This essay will contain the definitions and variations of the family and how they have changed. There will also be details of the differences of theoretical perspectives. There are many types of families; the most common family group is a nuclear family consisting of two adults of both sexes whom are in a sexual relationship, with children either biological or adopted. They must cohabitate in the same house hold and share income or domestic tasks to some extent. Then there are extended families, an extended form of the nuclear family. The extended family consists of kin and other various relatives. Another version of the extended family is the local extended family†¦show more content†¦Unlike the 1960s where religion was important in the 2000s lone parent families, children born out of wed lock are on the rise by 40% and illegitimate teenage pregnancy are up by 25% as marriage is not seen as religious but just the norm, a bonding of two people rather than for god. Gay marriage and adoption for example in the 1960s would never have even been contemplated and would have been thought as morally and sinfully wrong, but now in 2009 gay marriage is slowly becoming more excepted and not thought of as immoral or sinful but just an alternative way of living. In the 2000s Britons are much more independent and democratic as welfare and benefits have increased. Whereas in the 1960s the norm was to be in a nuclear or some form of extended family with the mother at home and the father at work, now living alone has increased by 30% and cohabitation is on the rise as well as gender role reversal. Now more and more women are becoming bread winners and more men are becoming house husbands. Most feminists still believe that we live in a male dominated world and that the glass ceiling is still exists but other would argue that equality is most important and that as long as there is no discrimination and tha t, boys and girls both have fair chances we are making progress. We have come a long way from the days where girls were not allowed to go to school or engage in theShow MoreRelatedCultural Changes From The 1960 S1273 Words   |  6 Pagesout over a couple years, which caused him to begin to notice some very dramatic changes from the Arembepe he came to know. The development of a more stratified society caused for some major changes coming to the small community. This essay is going to address the major cultural changes from the 1960’s to the 1980’s and whether or not the suburbanization of this village community was good or bad. Arembepe in the 1960’s consisted of only 159 households (730 people), which made up the small villageRead MoreSocial Changes During The 1960 S1254 Words   |  6 PagesThe 1960’s was a decade filled with change in the existing conditions of the social, political, and economic spectrums. These social changes involved challenges to the conservative status quo of the time. Parts that contributed to this social revolution were new developments in the Feminist Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and a rebellious counterculture. The political changes of this time period were embodied by the continuation and extension of the Vietnam War, new laws pertaining to civilRead MoreThe Issues Of Urban Poverty1197 Words   |  5 Pagestransformed in the 1960s from the start of the decade. The 1960s consisted of new rights and new understandings of freedom. The sixties consisted of rights for racial minorities to be involved in the mainstream of the American lifestyle. However, uns olved issues of urban poverty still existed. Women in the 1960s established a conversion in women’s status, for instance, women entered the paid workforce. America experienced a growth of conservative movements, consequently, the 1960s would confront judgmentRead MoreEssay on Booker Jones1105 Words   |  5 Pagesinventory account and hence will generate pretax profit of $630,000 – 407,000 = $223,000. b. If the change were made retroactively as of July 1, 1959 (by adding the cost of barrels to all whiskey in inventory), what would be the effect on i. The balance sheet at the end of 1960? Compared to 1959, balance sheet in 1960 will include the cost of barrels in inventory accounts. As of June 30, 1960 the number of gallons of whisky was 4,506,000 / $0.52 = 8,665,484.62 gallons. Add $31.5 / 50 gal/bblRead MoreYoung Adult Views On Politics, Sexuality, And The Future Impacted The Music Of The 1960 S855 Words   |  4 Pages Music has described and impacted our culture as far back as we can record. From ballads to hip hop, music has not only told stories about the singer, but also, and perhaps more importantly, about the time as well. The 1960 s was a time known for it s anti-war movement and it s drive for sex, while the 1990 s became an era of nostalgia (especially for the current adult generation) and melancholy ballads only subdued by birth of bubblegum pop. In our current century, music has become a forefrontRead MoreThis essay, 1920s vs 1960s, writen in AABB format, deals with the comparison of; general statistics, fashion styles of both men women, music, controversial issues.1502 Words   |  7 Pages1920s vs. 1960s Over the past century, people living in the United States have experienced many changes. As the times change, so do the people. In the 1920s, people acted differently then compared to the people in the 1960s. Yet, they both have one thing in common; they shaped our history. In the 1920s, about 106,521,537 people inhabited the United States. It was a rough period in our history, with about 2,132,000 people unemployed and murder, swindles, and racketeering as the most popularRead MoreBooker Jones Essay1120 Words   |  5 Pagesin 1961? Booker Jones â€Å"other operating costs† increased from 1960 to 1961 primarily because of the cost of the barrels used, the occupancy costs and the warehousing costs. This is understandable because Booker Jones decided to increase production which would require 20,000 more barrels. If the cost of barrels is $31.50, then these 20,000 barrels would have cost $630,000. This is precisely why the cost of barrels used went up from 1960 to 1961. If these barrels were not considered an â€Å"Other OperatingRead MoreWhat Caused The Rise Of Protesters Throughout The 1960s? Essay1448 Words   |  6 PagesThe 1960s in the United States of America was an era of protests. Americans from the 1960s era experienced social changes that caused Americans to revolt of the Establishment of the 1950s. Racial discrimination, gender equality, and poverty are certain specific of the problems that Americans sought the need to identify of what caused the rise of protesters throughout the 1960s. Th e youth generation from the era â€Å"baby boomers† were the causes for the determination for the 1960s. The parents of theRead MoreEleanor Roosevelt : An Effective Leader1067 Words   |  5 Pages Eleanor Roosevelt Casey Gaines Concordia University Eleanor Roosevelt â€Å"Success must include two things: the development of an individual to his utmost potentiality and a contribution of some kind to one s world† (Roosevelt, p 119, 1960). Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City October 11th, 1884 (Burns, 2012). Having grown up in a family considered to be in the top of society, Eleanor could have focused her life on parties and social gatherings. However, Eleanor came to theRead MoreHippie Culture : The Hippie Movement1068 Words   |  5 Pagesduring the 1960s were remarkably distinctive in which it contributed to the overall characteristics of the 1960s America. In particular, the hippie counter-culture was developed and it was popular amongst the younger Americans because they believed in peace. They wanted to live differently and wanted to be free from the mainstream society. In the film Easy Rider, it portrayed the hippie culture and at the same time, it portrayed the rejection of the culture by the Americans in the 1960s. Hippie culture

Work and organisation

Question : Discuss about the Work and Organisation of Management ? Answer : Introduction There has been a drastic change in the nature of the workplace. The workplace had a stable environment earlier and the employees coordinated effectively with the business. However, in the recent times the working conditions in the organisations have changes to a great extent. Tesla Motors is an automaker in America that specializes in electric cars. The organisation has witnessed a number of changes in the work environment over the years. Tesla has been experiencing certain issues in the organisation due to the changing nature of work that affects the organisational productivity as whole. Identification of the changing nature of work Tesla Motors deals with the manufacturing of cars since 2003. There have been a number of changes that the stakeholders of the company have witnessed. The company now implements five different joining methods for giving shape to the car (Tesla 2016). The initial product of the company was to produce high performance electric sports car. However, the managers have a long-term plan to build a wide range of models that includes family cars at affordable price. The company yet believes that the human effort plays an important role in the organisation, as without the guidance of the engineers, the robots and its use will be ineffective. The visible changes in Tesla are as follows: Technology: The Company has implemented advanced technologies in the manufacturing process in order to increase the efficiency and the productivity level. There are about 160 total robots that work together in a coordinated manner on order to produce a car within 3 to 4 days span. Outsourcing: The managers of the company are now able to identify the activities that are important in the company and those that are not. Tesla has been reported to use few free agents who comes into the project in order to provide specific expertise that helps to improve the skills of the labours. Changing worker attitudes and values: In the earlier days, employees used to stay connected to one job all throughout their lives. The Bureau of Labour Statistics indicates that the organisational life expectancy is 3.5 years (Hershcovis and Reich 2013). The employees in Tesla have been following the trend. They are in constant search for the better jobs and thus the number of turnover in the organisation increases. Demographic and diversity: The worker in Tesla changes and so does the ideas and the techniques in working in the company. The managers of the company introduce new ideas into the workplaces depending upon the diversity present in the workplace (Stone and Arthurs 2013). Hence, the company undergoes noticeable changes in the work place frequently. Predicted changes in the upcoming years According to J. Cole, Oliver and Blaviesciunaite (2014), the pace at which Tesla Motor is experiencing change in the nature of workplace there are heavy chances for some innovation to come up in the organisation in the future days. The company predicts to create Environment Protection Agency (EPA) in the coming years. As per the consideration of Tesla, the future generation will be prioritising the new scientific discoveries apart from the war and thus EPA would play an important role. The company further aims toward cheap energy and management of natural resources in order to become the topmost contributor in the world. On the other hand, O'Neil (2014) mentioned that the introduction of innovative robots in the workplace will increase that will be capable of producing the products at a much faster rate and efficient manner. Thus, human effort will be almost replaced by the innovative technologies in the future days. The organisation however is likely to face a number of issues as a result of the change in the nature of the workplace. Thus, it is important for the managers of Tesla to consider strategies that will help them to deal with the change in the workplace nature in an effective manner. At the start of 2018, the company aims to produce 500,000 electric cars, which is 10 times the number of cars produced in 2015. Moreover, the company has certain odd predictions regarding the fuel-less passenger flying machines. Tesla witnessed change in the gender relation and considered it as one of the precursor for the coming matriarchy in future. Marsick and Watkins (2015) argue that this is a change in the organisation that cannot be considered to have a positive impact on the organisation. Although the owner of the company considered development to be inevitable, he argued that the society needs to continue suppressing and discriminating the women for the welfare of the organisation and the society (Yang et al. 2016). Implications of these changes The changes in the nature of the workplace of Tesla have both positive as well as negative impact on the employees and the managers working. The innovation and the use of the robots reduce the need for the labor force that de-motivates the employees. As opined by Harris (2015), this further causes the employees to seek for other job where the value for human skills and efforts are high. The managers thus have to consider implementation of effective strategies that help to retain the employees and maintain the productivity level. The change in the technology supports the management level and the employees of Tesla as they are able to obtain and share the knowledge that allows performing the organizational activities easily and at a faster rate. Additionally engagement of the employees throughout the transformation of the company increases the productivity level of the employees and the overall company (Palsdottir, Grahn and Persson 2014). There are new rules or the seven shifts in the age of opportunity within the organisation. The first shift is the change from mechanical to organic. The shift indicates that the people are not machines even though the new generation intends to create mechanistic fashion. The second shift is closed to open. Even though the industrial age created technological and social development, Harris (2015) argued that the environment could not be conductive to creativity despite protection being necessary. The third shift is siloing to meshing that infers that the landscape has become very complex and requires discipline to be merged in. There is a collision of information, domains, practices, ideas, philosophies and tools. The fourth shift is from linear to multiples, it states that success is defined by arranging our lives as per the work, family and education. The fifth shift is from data to patterns while the sixth shift is from scarcity to abundance. The final shift states the shift from p ast to the future according to which successful ideas and models will be playing an important role in future. Recommendation Tesla goes through a number of issues due to the change in the workplace nature that are capable of bringing down the organizational performance and hence cause sustainability risk for the company. The managers need to consider strategies that effectively address the behavioral issues in Tesla such as job satisfaction, engagement, equity, motivation, recognition and decision making. Tesla needs to operate the organizational activities based on the current cultural situation of the company. This will help the managers to manager and minimize few of the existing behavioral issues. The behavior pattern of the employees has to be changed by the managers so that there is scope for the mind-set of the employees to follow the direction of the changes (Brown, Barton and Gladwell 2013). The managers of Tesla thus needs to consider strategies such as effective education and training for the employees, introduce personal counseling, monitoring the implementation in order to improve manage the changes in the workplace in an effective manner. Furthermore, focusing on the critical behavior of the employees is another effective way to minimize the adverse impact of the behavioral issues in the organization. Conclusion Tesla Motors is one of the well-known organizations that have been working in the market at a stable pace for the past few years. However, in the recent years the company has experienced a number changes in the nature of workplace that have affected the organization to a significant extent. The managers of the company thus need to manage the changes effectively in order to achieve the best possible outcome for the organization. References Brown, D.K., Barton, J.L. and Gladwell, V.F., 2013. Viewing nature scenes positively affects recovery of autonomic function following acute-mental stress. Environmental science technology, 47(11), pp.5562-5569. Harris, R., 2015. The changing nature of the workplace and the future of office space. Journal of Property Investment Finance, 33(5), pp.424-435. Hershcovis, M.S. and Reich, T.C., 2013. Integrating workplace aggression research: Relational, contextual, and method considerations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(S1), pp.S26-S42. Cole, R., Oliver, A. and Blaviesciunaite, A., 2014. The changing nature of workplace culture. Facilities, 32(13/14), pp.786-800. Marsick, V.J. and Watkins, K., 2015. Informal and Incidental Learning in the Workplace (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. O'Neil, H.F., 2014. Workforce readiness: Competencies and assessment. Psychology Press. Plsdttir, A.M., Grahn, P. and Persson, D., 2014. Changes in experienced value of everyday occupations after nature-based vocational rehabilitation. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy, 21(1), pp.58-68. Stone, K.V. and Arthurs, H. eds., 2013. Rethinking workplace regulation: Beyond the standard contract of employment. Russell Sage Foundation. Tesla, (2016). How the Tesla Model S is Made | Tesla Motors Part 1 (WIRED) - YouTube. 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